Welcome To My Journey.
I am a man, a husband, a father, a friend, in search of a lesser lifestyle.
This is my view of this journey and how it intertwines with my family, job, community, and relationship with God.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

AHH, a day off - Kind of.

I did not get much done around the homestead today. Krysta and I went down the road and visited her Grandpa Gene & Mimi Ruth for a while. Her Grandpa happened to have a skid of cinder blocks that he gave her. I got the pleasure of loading and unloading them. We took them two watermelons from the garden. When we got back home I took the biggest one (41lbs.) in the house. I put the others under the house where they would be cool.
Krysta and I washed the manure out of the borrowed trailer and returned it. It was very hot today (92 degrees) in the shade and it did not take much time outside to be dripping wet. I have a few blisters from not wearing gloves but I just don't learn. Still there is something about them that makes me feel good.

Carla fixed some cornbread, steamed corn, chicken casserole and some of the peas we shelled and cooked last night. It was great. Krysta even at a plate full. I guess working in the sun increases a growing girls appetite. I have a few things to take care of the next couple of days and will update you on it. Besides working full time as a Police Officer I have a firearms training and sales business Point Blank Tactical LLC. I will start rescheduling South Carolina Concealed Carry Permit classes about four times a month. I plan on being quite busy since I just registered to return to college. I will be completing my Criminal Justice Degree which I started a long time ago.
My family is supporting me in all we are doing and that is what it takes to accomplish your goals. Everyone should have support from their family. If you do not, seek out your friends because everybody needs someone to lean on now and then.

I have to go. My son has a couple friends over for Bible study and I want to eat some Watermelon. It is a great way to end a fine day. 

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