Welcome To My Journey.
I am a man, a husband, a father, a friend, in search of a lesser lifestyle.
This is my view of this journey and how it intertwines with my family, job, community, and relationship with God.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Meeting Jeremy

While driving through North Myrtle Beach I saw a man working in his yard.  He was putting Sea Shells around a tree to keep the grass back from the trunk.  I noticed he had two young Fig Trees planted in his yard.  I decided to stop and meet him.  Jeremy lives and works in North Myrtle Beach and has for several years.  He and his wife and son enjoy spending time together outdoors.  He said they recently visited the North Carolina Zoo which is in my Hometown of Asheboro.  Jeremy said he planted the two fig trees and one is already producing Fruit.  He told me his son is a little Clemson fan and has his own square foot vegetable garden that he tends.  Jeremy is a beach lover and surfer.  He and his family also enjoy kayaking the Waccamaw and Cherry Grove Inlet.  Jeremy makes Para Cord Survival Bracelets and other items by hand. You can check them out at his website http://www.etsy.com/shop/KnottiRoots

I enjoyed meeting and talking to Jeremy and his family.  They like many other North Myrtle Beach residents are friendly like minded people who enjoy spending time outdoors and take pride in their city.  I look forward to talking to Jeremy again and checking out those fig trees as they grow.
If you would like a US made survival bracelet that you can really use or a custom item Check out Jeremy's site or drop him an email at knottiroots@gmail.com

This is Jeremy Williams.

A knife made cool with a Para Cord handle.
A handfull of items made by Jeremy.

Jeremy' Logo on the back of his truck.

The first little fig tree that caught my eye.  Notice it is not just a tree in the ground.  It has been given it's own place in the yard.

This is the second fig tree.  Notice that soon they will be able to pick figs right from the deck and enjoy the afternoon shade it provides.

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